James Samana James Samana

A public servant’s perspective on why art matters

Art matters. It can inspire, or inform. It can provoke, and make people think. It can be pleasing to the eye, or confronting to the soul. But art, good art, has power.

Recently I travelled the three hours to one of my favourite art galleries, the Art Gallery of NSW, in Sydney, Australia to, in these surreal times, see to work of one of the most famous of the Surrealists, Belgian painter and provocateur, Rene Magritte.

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James Samana James Samana

Finding abundance

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. -W.H. Murray, 1950

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James Samana James Samana

a cup; overflowing…

The metaphor of a 'cup overflowing' is an old proverb, I first heard in studying Zen, and it has deeply resonated and stayed with me across the years. While easy enough to intellectually understand, it can be very difficult to travel with!

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James Samana James Samana

Embracing The utility of Regret…

We have the power to embrace the utility of regret. One of the thing that has helped me to more consciously do so, is to take the time to really observe the sensation of regret. When I’ve done something, and I start to feel the arising of regret, I have found, that if I look closely enough, I can see two aspects of this emotion, those being the:
1) ‘conscious remorse for my unskillfulness’; and
2) ‘a resolve to correct this unskillfulness and not further perpetuate it’.

And it is here, where the usefulness of the emotion can be found.

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+ Identity, + Connection James Samana + Identity, + Connection James Samana

How does one learn to be a ‘man’…

When I think about how I learned to ‘be a man’, I can’t think of any time when I was specifically taught that ‘this is how one becomes a man’. For me, it was never explicit. It was more of a gradual combination of insights, either shared openly from my role models, or implicit within the subtle influences of my community and society.

This post looks at two of my role models. One I met early on as a young man, and the other I’ve yet to meet, but have become aware of in the past few years, who has inspired me to be a better man.

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+ Leadership, + Identity James Samana + Leadership, + Identity James Samana

To those that would lead…

The paths they traveled to bring them to that moment, talking with me, were full of insights, and inspiration… and wisdom. And I realised then, if one could really SEE, that these men and women were filling roles that were critical in the narrative of what was to me, the American story.
And I guess this is why I’m writing this chapter. Because the lessons I learned on the road hold an especially important message to those that would lead today.

Before I outline this message, I want to first share who first helped me to hear it. It was first planted in my mind by one of my Dad’s Heroes, who has since become one of mine.

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+ Identity, + Connection, + Leadership James Samana + Identity, + Connection, + Leadership James Samana

Collaborating with the enemy…

The problems we as a society are facing, be it in my home country of America, or my now home of Australia, or anywhere that people are trying to make life better…. these problems are incredibly complex. They are multi-faceted. They can not be solved by one voice, or by one agency, or even by one political faction or the other.

By their very nature, the problems humanity now faces will demand a collaborative approach to address.

If you see this, then it is to you to develop your abilities to sit with the discomfort of self-growth in order to address it. You will need to find ways that you can experientially show your respect for those on the ‘other sides’ of an issue. You will need to build your insights around collaboration if you are going to be able to build coalitions of people working to advocate and come together for the Common Good.

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+Leadership, +Mindfulness, +Identity James Samana +Leadership, +Mindfulness, +Identity James Samana

Why we need mindful leaders: Insights from the research

“Cultivating mindfulness allows us to self-regulate more effectively and, from a mindful vantage point, leaders are better able to respond rather than react, and to learn from, rather than avoid challenge…” (Atkins, P. 2008:80)

This post uses relevant research from political leadership studies, public sector leadership studies and the growing body of mindfulness research to create an argument for a more mindful presence in leadership to address complex challenges and enable thriving.

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+identity, +Leadership, +Connection James Samana +identity, +Leadership, +Connection James Samana

Most folks around here…

Inspired by Nobel Price winner, and American author John Steinbeck, and his travels with his dog ‘Charlie’ across his homeland, I too wanted to figure out what it meant to be who I am, and to understand what it means to be ‘an American’.

I had left, on foot, with this intention. I knew I needed to ‘figure things out’ and that if I didn’t, I might surely die.

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The insightful path to good leadership

Regardless of your political affiliation, there are behaviours which I think every leader should aspire to. These behaviours apply, in my opinion, to all leaders regardless if they are in the political world, private industry, not-for-profit, or the public sector.

And best of all, you can develop your skills and practice of these behaviours.

If you are a leader, or an aspiring leader, this insightful path is the key to unlocking your ability to develop these, and other important skills which are required to survive and thrive in your service to a greater good.

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+ Identity, + Art, + Nature James Samana + Identity, + Art, + Nature James Samana

To saunter…

To me, the artistry of life is in creating pathways of insight between experience and growth. The impact of these connections matter deeply. They can inspire people to reach inside and find their own strength, their own courageous narrative. And hopefully enable them to be their best selves.

This is a post about sharing a pre-dawn hike with a friend in the southern part of Namadgi National Park, on Settler's Track, as well as the meaning that walk had for me.

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+ Identity James Samana + Identity James Samana


Acknowledgement of another’s story matters. As a trained mediator, and facilitator, I know that when people don’t feel heard, they find it difficult to really listen. As a palliative care volunteer, crisis counsellor and transformational leadership facilitator, I know that when someone feels deeply heard, they are able to deeply listen, and understanding and connection more easily arise.

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Successful hybrid workshops

This post is designed to help you deliver successful hybrid facilitations through a ‘back to basics’ encouraging tale that links effective hybrid facilitation to the foundational facilitation and facilitation-design skills that created success prior to Covid. What I mean by this is to build an inclusive and engaging facilitation - you have to first think of what makes you inclusive and engaging as a facilitator.

I can guarantee that what makes you engaging as a facilitator is not the toys, tools, or technology that you employ. They are but useful aids in bringing your engaging and inclusive nature forward, but they do not carry the load for this. You do.

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Leading through the lens of learning…

If you care about teaching, learning, development, and building more skilful teams, then please read on.

in this audio-cast - I talk with a friend of mine, Dr Shyam Barr, in relation to how we teach and how we learn. His research is relevant to anyone who wants to make a more conscious effort to learn in their life.

The cast is only 28 minutes long, perfect for a commute, and filled with insights on how to lead through a lens of learning, as well as some tips and tricks to make your learning more insightful.

If you resonate, don’t forget to ‘like’, comment, and subscribe!

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Investing time together

This post is there to encourage other men to be more involved in being a Dad… but is also there for any parent who yearns for a better connection with their child.

Being a parent, a Dad/Step Dad, specifically, is something that I cherish. It gives me a sense of ‘vividness’ and magic in my life. And I don’t think I’m unique in this regard. Of my male friends, so many of them are actively thinking about how they parent, and how they could parent better. Being the best Dad I can is a part of how I define myself. I’ve spent many, many, many hours in thinking about what kind of Dad I am going to be. Before I even had a partner let alone a child, I thought about what kind of things I wanted to help my kids discover.

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+ Leadership, + Learning Design, + Art James Samana + Leadership, + Learning Design, + Art James Samana

The marble not yet carved…

Many of my clients raise a question you may be having right now;

“how do I know which approach to take for the best possible outcome? ”

— those on the Insightful Path

The short answer is, you don’t.

However, there are many valuable frameworks, philosophies, and approaches that you can use to find out how you can uncover what path your best self would take.

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+ Leadership, + Identity, + Art James Samana + Leadership, + Identity, + Art James Samana

Carving out your identity

As a professional coach, I work with leaders to help them connect with their inner strengths as they face organisational challenges. And I’ve seen the direct power that my clients can access when they connect with their inner self, which enables them to find a skilful way forward. This doesn’t mean it is not without turmoil - for every path of insight has turmoil. But it does mean that leaders who can look inward can find ways to carve out their authentic identity and use this to thrive in work and in life.

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Men’s Health Week 2024

Men’s health. It matters. Yet the influencing factors on every individual’s health are complex and multi-faceted. They include environmental influences, genetic influences, and even socio-economic influences.

This week (Monday, 10 June, 2024), marks the start of International Men’s Health Week. It is, as the Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF) says,

“...an opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities”

— AMHF website: Men's Health Week 2024

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