Finding abundance
I grew up agnostic. The son of teachers. I was taught logic, and science, and history, and known facts. I was raised to be pragmatic and practical.
Yet even within the world view I was raised within, there was room for things that filled me with awe. Things that were full of wonder, and possibility. There was room for something beyond me, that filled me with excitement. And there was a belief that if I prepared myself, and practiced being the best I could be, in the moment I was in, that things would go better than they would have gone otherwise.
This all seems logical enough… yet, I was also taught that one’s education is one’s own responsibility. That our development and ability to be our best self is not only our responsibility, but can only come about if we take ownership of that path. As a boy, this inspired me to create what I call my “Syllabus of Life”. The slowly building list of experiences and books and music and skills that I felt I needed to learn in order to realise my full potential.
Some of these experiences have to do with difficult knowledge and skills to develop, such as learning how to be an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT or ‘Ambo’ as they call it in Australia). Some of it is to purposefully expose yourself to natural wonders and connect with the power of this.
This post is about several experiences that I was lucky enough to have in order to inspire my work for this new year of 2025.
Seeing the Aurora Australis (the ‘Southern Lights’) at the same time as witnessing bio-luminescent waves rolling into shore, glowing and sparkling, just south of Hobart, Tasmania was a definite highlight of my vacation. It was beautiful, and exciting, and filled me with a giddy joy of being alive. Seeing the magical waves roll in under an undulating curtain of blue, green, and purple sky filled me with wonder, and was so ‘other worldly’.
I grew up in northern Wisconsin, having seen the Northern Lights, which I always took the time to go out and enjoy. I remember once they appeared during an evening of ice-fishing, and my friend and I simply packed up our gear, walked off of the ice, and in order to get a better view, we drove the wintery backroads further and further north to witness the Lights getting brighter and almost dancing across the sky. My friend and I, those many years ago, finally stopped as we approached the Canadian border, and just watched the lights in silence until dawn beckoned us to start the drive south and home again.
Feelings of gratitude are a known method for many of the afflictions that life throws at us. An active gratitude practice helps diminish the power of depressive thoughts. Gratitude also helps us to see ‘possibility’ and where we can further strengthen the Good in our life. One of the tricks that I’ve learned is that if you feel gratitude and humbleness arise, and you make a conscious effort to follow this emotion and appreciate those things that sparked it… then possibility happens. However, I’ve also learned that you have to genuinely commit yourself to this path of insight to access the benefit of it.
I first was exposed to this idea after reading Scottish Himalayan mountaineer, William H. Murray’s book, on the early explorations of the tallest mountains in the world.
In this book about a 1950 expedition Kumaon India, between Tibet and west Nepal, Murray wrote:
This quote has been a touchstone for me ever since. And I was reminded of it, on the holiday when my wife and I decided to try and find a special grove of trees we had heard about, and together, traveled south of Hobart into the Huon Valley to see some of the most amazing trees in Australia.
Waking up on January 1st, 2025, we took screen shots of what we believed was the path that would guide us through the labyrinth of gravel fire trails and logging roads within the Huon Valley to get us safely to The Grove of Giants. The drive took us only a little over an hour, and before we knew it, we were walking at the feet of giant trees, such as the eucalyptus oblique in the above video. It was truly a humbling experience. This tree is 19 metres around at its base, over 17 stories tall, and is, undoubtedly, hundreds of years old.
I’ve another post (not yet published) on this amazing place, and how The Tree Project and work of many passionate arborists are trying to protect big trees. (You can find out more about how to support this work at their site,
Knowing how precious and rare areas like this are, inspired me. Having worked across so many demographics as part of my Syllabus of Life has helped me to see and know that, so often, even people with competing interests, can access their 'best self', and within this space, they can ‘come to the table’ to find an insightful path to collaborative solutions, and insightful paths which can contribute to our world's stewardship.
Beauty and shared values are all around us, if we know how to See them. And if we are committed at finding these, as any skilled facilitator should be, we know that there are ways to help people bring their best self forward in order to contribute to the ‘pool of common Good’, and collaborate for sustainable solutions.
One of the benefits from my time away from work, was the gift of re-evaluation. I thought, (and am still thinking) about what it is that I want to be doing with the life that is in my remaining years. One of my early boyhood heroes, Albert Schweitzer, realised at a young age that his gifts and privileges were not ‘given to him’, but, as he believed, were given to the world through him. I resonate with that idea, and have set it as my goal for 2025. To discover, more fully, and bring into existence, how my work can bring benefit to the world, and help others to build their self-awareness and better see the ‘magic’ of life.
If you wanting to find the magic that building self-awareness can give you, if you are wanting to see what is possible, and build your skills at bringing your 'best self' to the table, reach out. Your path to your insights awaits.
After many, many experiences, I have learned that you are more likely to find possibilities when you look for them, even within times of turmoil and strife. And, if you are committed to this, well, therein is where the sense of abundance can be found.