Books from the Insightful Library
There have been so many influences that have helped me gain understanding about various components of the Insightful Path. This page is the beginning of a growing list of books that have influenced my journey, and that I recommend for an individual’s progress on the their own path of insight.
More books will appear from time to time, as I move my way through the Insightful Path library. If my summary and recommendation resonates with you, do not hesitate, get yourself a copy of these books, and learn from the insights within! I’d love to hear what you discover and how this applies to your path!
man’s search for meaning
I first read this book over 30 years ago. I had a deep yearning, as a young man, to find some meaning in my life, that somehow gave me purpose.
In Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist, chronicles his experiences as a prisoner in the concentration camps, and what he discovered there about the human need for purpose and meaning, even under the most brutal of situations.
Profiles in courage
Throughout this book, then Senator John F. Kennedy explores the courage it takes for politicians to stand firm in their beliefs, even when it puts them in opposition to the prevailing political climate or jeopardises their career.
Kennedy states that ‘a nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to the public life is not as likely to insist upon or reward that quality in its chosen leaders today - and in fact we have forgotten.’
Radical Candor:
The goal of Radical Candor is to cultivate a culture where people can be honest with each other in a supportive, empathetic way, ensuring personal growth and a healthy work environment.
In this book, CEO Coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter and faculty member at Apple University, Kim Scott shares a frameworks from which leaders can provide feedback to their employees and teams in a way that is both effective and builds culture.
The Thriving doctor:
In this book, author, coach, psychologist, and founder of Coaching for Doctors, Sharee Johnson shares her significant experience in helping people (primarily those in the health profession) to thrive in highly pressurised environments. She shares her Insights from her work as a psychologist, as well as from her research and coaching with doctors.
Through practical strategies and insights, “The Thriving Doctor" encourages its readers to develop skills in emotional regulation, mindfulness, and leadership. By fostering these competencies, anyone can improve their relationships with colleagues and stakeholders (or patients), leading to better outcomes and a more fulfilling career.
Extreme Facilitation:
Extreme facilitation: Guiding groups through controversy and complexity is, in my opinion, an excellent guidance for anyone who facilitates outcomes in challenging times. By reading through the book, you will find ideas for techniques that you can use, and the foundational philosophies and insights that Suzanne has gained across her work as an international peace negotiator, facilitator, coach, and mediator.
This book is an excellent resource for facilitators and leaders alike to better understand:
What makes a quality extreme facilitator;
what is good preparation for extreme facilitations; and
how to conduct an extreme facilitation to help groups navigate complex problems and make decisions efficiently with authenticity, confidence, presence, trustworthiness, and calm.
In a world where we are continually bombarded with promises of immediate gratification, instant success, and fast temporary relief, all of which lead in exactly the wrong direction, it can seem as though the modern world can be viewed as a prodigious conspiracy against the attainment of mastery.
But we do not have to give up hope. The insightful path to the attainment of mastery has been well travelled for millennia, and is there for the committed traveller to walk.
Mastery by George Leonard is a book about the process of achieving mastery in any field, whether it's art, sports, or personal development. Leonard emphasizes that mastery is not about quick success or shortcuts but a lifelong journey of continuous improvement.