James Samana:
Founder of Insightful Path

James Samana: Founder of Insightful Path

To get the best outcomes when facing The challenges of ‘tomorrow’ will require you to be your best self…
Why not learn how to access the insights of your best self today? ”

James’ Professional Passions

  • Leadership Development

    I have significant experience working with Senior Executive and Executive leaders across the sectors, primarily in the Australian Public Service. I’ve developed a uniquely informed and practical ability to help leaders access their best selves, while learning to thrive and be more effective in achieving their goals.

  • Mindfulness

    I've had a long-standing personal practice in various mindfulness traditions, which has had a positive impact on my life. In fact, I founded and led a mindfulness community within the Public Service, which grew to practice sessions of up to 30 members from 12 different divisions, ranging from entry-level employees to senior executives. My passion lies in helping others gain valuable insights by applying practical mindfulness skills and micro-skills to enhance leadership.

  • Active Parenting

    As the Dad and Step-Dad to 4 kids, I am passionate about helping them step into their own best self, and inherit a world that is better than when I found it. Helping kids find their self-confidence and autonomy is one of the best roles, and I am active in promoting active parenting and helping other Dads to do the same.

  • Professional Facilitation

    As a facilitator, I believe that if I can help those I serve (my participants) feel safe, respected and engaged then they will be able to learn (and where necessary, unlearn), practice new skills, and gain the confidence to put their best selves forward. And … the world will be a better place.

  • Professional Coaching

    As a professional coach, I believe that if I can help my counterpart (i.e. you) grow your awareness of, and connection with, your best self, then your ability to act on the ‘insights within’ will naturally arise. And… the world will be a better place.

  • Public and Parliamentary Service

    I have worked as a local government public servant, a State public servant, and an Australian Public Servant. I’ve worked on election commitment level priorities, and across policy development, program management, regulation, and administration, in addition to teaching literally hundreds of Senior Executive Service (SES) leaders how to do their roles most effectively. My passion is in helping public servants and parliamentary servants find their values driven leadership identity, for the benefit of their work, and the greater good.