Helping you to build your insights (Leadership Development)
James has been studying, practicing, applying and teaching leadership for most of his adult life. He now has partnered with a number of Academic Institutions to help leaders from Australia (and beyond) use the evidence based frameworks and learn the micro-skills and practices to develop their leadership identity and achievements.
James specialises in teaching leaders and Senior Leaders the frameworks, skills, and micro-practices of leadership.
He has delivered hundreds of workshops to approximately 50 different Australian Public Service agencies, as well as to State and Territory agencies, private and not-for profit entities too.
James Learning programs can be tailored and designed to meet the individual, team, or larger group’s need.
Holding difficult conversations: An examination of some of the skills you can build to get outcomes from your difficult conversations.
Facilitating for the non-facilitator: A discussion of, with micro-practices to help build your ability to facilitate outcomes in meetings, workshops, or within your team.
The Key insight to your success (Identity): join James and discuss some of the concepts of identity, its nature, and some micro-skills to help you work with it to unlock discretionary effort.
Psychological Safety: and the micro-skills to support it: A series of 90-60 min online workshops to help individuals take 'self-agency’ and create cultures that are psychologically safe.
To find out more about these and other sessions:
Building your public service skills: An examination of, and practice in some of the skills it takes leaders at all levels within the public service to contribute and thrive.
Leadership frameworks to unlock potential in your executive team: An investigation into some of the evidence base and research on how leaders build effectiveness in their organisation and teams, with pragmatic exercise to enhance both.
Multiple possible topics from you: James is an AVID reader, researcher, content creator, and a very compelling thinker.
Feel free to book in some time with him for a conversation on how a micro-skills session or webinar can meet your needs - for content, interaction, pragmatic application, and enagement!