Not knowing…
…in the habitual frame of mind, being seen to ‘not know’ is received as ‘less than’… but there is REAL opportunity and power in not-knowing…
You never know another’s ‘backstory’…
…i wonder if people realise…it takes real bravery to be who you are, regardless of the fear… you never know someone’s back-story.
The Secrets of Engagement
…as a leader, you’re not in charge of people, you have to take care of people in your charge…
Difficult Realisations
…everywhere in our lives we have the chance to achieve a greater meaning through how we address the difficulties we face…
Hard Lessons
…our ability to help others reach their potential will increase as we increase our skill and courage in talking about the difficult subjects…
Listening to the inner voice
…if you are to be ready to influence change, you need to hone your skills now…