The Secrets of Engagement

Be the change you want to see in the world”

If you are like me, you can get a little overwhelmed by the world. Yet, always there is hope.

As part of my ‘value-add’ for you, my clients, and potential clients, I recently started a YouTube channel where I will interview people I admire, who have ideas, important ideas that I know will be able to make a difference to your leadership, to your lives, and to the lives of those you work with.

In this video - the first of the series, I had the pleasure of interviewing speaker, facilitator, and advisor, and founder of, Steve Sharp.

We talked about the ‘silver bullet’ of organisational culture - and how to effectively curate the environment where people can feel safe to give their discretionary effort to make engagement happen. We also spoke about how he learned this essential fact during his 20 plus years in the banking and finance industry and now see this reinforces through his facilitation, speaking and coaching.

I’ve you’ve 5 minutes, have a watch. You will be engaged with Steve’s knowledge and his insights!

#insightfulpath; #discrestionaryeffort, #organisationalculture

Link Here


You never know another’s ‘backstory’…


Difficult Realisations