James Samana James Samana

THe forces acting upon us…

When we are faced with incredible pressures (either real or perceived) to comply with the desires of those in 'authority', even the leaders of today can do things that they believe are wrong.

The question is:

'how are you going to work to prevent this from happening to you? What are the practices of self-awareness and values directed action that you have to help you do the 'right thing' in the face of the pressures of authority?'

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James Samana James Samana

Walking the insightful path

The learning approach is one part of the Insightful Path. It is a simple thing, but can help you to be more effective in your world, in whatever endeavour you are engaging with... but it is not always a comfortable path. It is not always easy.

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James Samana James Samana

Ramadan - Insights from practice

“The lamps are different, but the light is the same: it c0mes from beyond.” - Rumi

I have some Good friends who are practicing Sufis, and to build connection and understanding, I became curious about their practice during the month of Ramadan. I wanted to understand what this meant to them, let alone to the almost 25% of the globe’s population who identify as Muslim.

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James Samana James Samana

The power of connection

“Meaningful engagement. It's not about box ticking. How do people with an appetite for reconciliation meaningfully engage with indigenous people? …Reconciliation is powerful, is being present, it is educating and, I feel, co-educating. I want to listen to you about what you think about my people, and then you can listen to me about what it is to be an indigenous person, living presently. The challenges that we face, what we've overcome, and what makes us ‘us’”

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James Samana James Samana

Clear Insights and The power of Discernment

I’ve started a new ‘playlist’ on my YouTube Channel - titled ‘Clear Insights’. These are short videos up to 2 minutes long which look at a singular insight that may help you with your work, leadership, and life.

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James Samana James Samana

Finding one’s GRIT

As a parent, I see the world that my four children (blended family) are inheriting, and know that they will face countless ‘-isms’ and fears and injustices and challenges… and I feel I need to do more. With the loving support from my Wife, I’ve started Insightful Path to help use the talents and experience that I’ve been blessed with, to help make the world our four children inherit… better.

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James Samana James Samana

You are the Author of your own story

This is what I produced this past Sunday – hoping it inspires you to connect with the idea that you too can change your story. You can become an artist of your life, if you are brave enough (and have the support of those that believe in you)!

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James Samana James Samana

connecting in difficulty

We all have the pains and wounds to our souls that we do not share… but may be triggered by, at times, events that catch us unawares. This is a post about our shared humanity. About connection, and the power of enabling one to bring their full self to whatever moment they are in even if that moment is difficult.

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James Samana James Samana

Where do I belong?

I had the privilege of delivering two micro-learning sessions for my coaching alma mater, the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL)…helping over 100 coaches across the globe to engage with their ‘inner voice’ and connect with the place where they can find the Good in service to the world.

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James Samana James Samana

Not knowing…

…in the habitual frame of mind, being seen to ‘not know’ is received as ‘less than’… but there is REAL opportunity and power in not-knowing…

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James Samana James Samana

Difficult Realisations

…everywhere in our lives we have the chance to achieve a greater meaning through how we address the difficulties we face…

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James Samana James Samana

Hard Lessons

…our ability to help others reach their potential will increase as we increase our skill and courage in talking about the difficult subjects…

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