You are the Author of your own story

I remember, as a young boy, I would go out to silently paddle in my grandfather’s Canadian canoe in the early morning, fishing line, and basswood paddle in hand.  The smooth crisp sound of a paddle entering and exiting the water, as I deftly navigated the canoe around the lake.  There was a serenity – and pace of life that seemed to bring me some element of calm. Going past the still bays where the lilypads grew, I would see the flight of so many iridescent dragonfly – hovering like helicopters, moving along a line of direction only to instantly change their direction and adjust their flight, alter the story. 

 I heard that in many traditions the dragonfly represents change, transformation, adaptability and self-realisation… and as a young boy I could see why.  They were my favourite insect – always re-writing the ending to their own stories, and providing to me hope, that I could do the same. 

 I’ve always had a ‘creative’ streak inside of me… and looked on admiringly toward those gifted (and often hard-working) souls who ‘create’.  The ones who have faced their self-doubt to make their corner of the world more beautiful – be it through their art, their music, their photography… and I realised why the world has so many critics, and so few artists.  It is because to create – is to be vulnerable.  Is to be open, and judged, and is, a never ending struggle of hard work to master one’s craft. 

I’m now at a point in my life, with the amazing support of my wife, to be able to find the ‘artist’ inside me – and we’ve set aside a day a fortnight for our mutual growth as artists – she in oils, and I in wood and stone.  This is what I produced this past Sunday – hoping it inspires you to connect with the idea that you too can change your story.  You can become an artist of your life, if you are brave enough (and have the support of those that believe in you)!


Finding one’s GRIT


connecting in difficulty