Unpacking insights in context…

Working within a highly pressured context as a leader is fraught with risk... and to navigate the challenges, to connect with those that '𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘶𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵', it is important to understand their context. To do this, you need to be able to turn your awareness to your own reactions to context, and your reactions to those within the context you find yourself.

Having worked within and studied the Australian Public Service for almost 20 years, and having worked with countless Senior Executives across the Service, I have a deep appreciation for the context in which the APS does it work, and the challenges that SES face.

While the APS has changed from when the image of the book below was written (The Australian Public Service Regulations-1915), it is important to note that our ability to understand, connect with, and overcome the challenges we face within our context still remains strong - if we can but find someone we can trust to unpack our deep insights.

Why not find someone you can trust for a coaching conversation today? You might be surprised by the insights that arise on how your context is creating hurdles, and how your unique abilities can help you get over these! Message me for more information today.

#coaching, #leadership, #publicservice , #contextmatters, #APS, #seniorexecutives; #insightfulpath,


Heroes - how you can Contribute…


Not knowing…