Where do I belong?

I help people find their niche - because I was privileged enough to have the opportunity to find mine. … After selling everything I owned, at a young age of 25, I left home and walked about 6,000 kms across the USA.

The reason for this walk was to see if I could discover my ‘inner voice’, and if, in finding it, I could shake the sleepiness of ‘acquiescing’ to what life had to give. Acquiescence is the begrudging going along with something. And I felt that my path was laid out for me, and that if I didn’t do something, I was just going to continue without choice, without being able to connect with and make a difference in the world.

I’m under no illusions here, I realise that I had the privilege to have been brought up in a loving family, in a safe community, in an economically prosperous region, with racial, gender, sexual orientation characteristics that enabled a comparative ease in life when held up to the struggles that many others who did not have this privilege. However, I also felt that this privilege caused a sleepiness, an insulation between the ‘whispers’ of what one ‘should think/do/say/believe’ and the connection with the lived experience of others.

I was terrified that I would be doomed to live ‘a life of quiet desperation’ (as H.D. Thoreau once said). I was terrified that all the good I might bring to the world would be lost by the nagging doubt that I could make a difference.

And so I left. And the journey was hard, and was scary, and I did encounter difficulty and those that wanted to harm me, and many who wanted to help me too. And on the way, I shook some of the sleepiness, and connected with the inner voice.

It is now my goal, to help others to do this too. To awaken to their inner voice and to help them to achieve the Good that they can do in the world.

This past Monday and Tuesday, I had the privilege of delivering two micro-learning sessions for my coaching alma mater, the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL). Between the two session I was able to serve a little over 100 coaches across the world, helping them to engage with their ‘inner voice’ and connect with their niche - the place where they can find the Good in service to the world.

If you are interested in finding out more about how we achieved this - send me an email at info@insightfulpath.com.au.

With warmth and insights,


connecting in difficulty


Heroes - how you can Contribute…