The spirit to overcome…

People are often times critical of their own ability to create in life, their ability for ‘artistry’. This hesitancy to create, keeps people from really discovering the insights that can arise, and experiences that they could partake in, for the benefit their lives (not to mention those around them).

As C.S. Lewis once said, 'You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending'.

The past few years have left many reviewing what they value, who they are, and how they want to manifest in the world. One of my goals for the new year will be to bring an 'artistry' into my work and my life. Between the chaos that is a blended family (four kids), and starting one's own business I've realised that my connection with purpose and values has deep power in guiding my work. With this in mind, I am going to ensure I take the time to look to artistic-creativity (be it my carving, poetry, or painting) to build into my work the values I want to embody.

In Aikido (which is one of the ways I re-connect), there is a story about the Koi fish, which swims upstream, leaping over rocks and even up waterfalls. It is said that the Koi has the 'spirit of the dragon' (Tatsu) inside of it. This spirit gives it the resilience and perseverance it needs to survive and thrive in life.

While I was 'farm sitting' for friends over the holidays, there was a week where we did not have any of our children, and thus, my wife, a painter, and I took that week to create art (between the required farm chores).

One of the carvings I finished was this pair of Koi - swimming through the tumultuous waters, with the spirit of the Tatsu inside!

Here is to hoping that you too can connect with your inner spirit during the coming year, and find the resilience and perseverance to thrive in the new year!

If you are looking to unlock your potential, and find the insights that are within you, connect with, and contact me! I specialise in helping people discover the story they've created for themselves, and to free their yet unwritten chapters to become what they want it to become.


Footprints to the flow…


Trust, connection, and the willingness to risk…