The spectrum of ‘consultation’

There is a spectrum of meanings assigned to the word 'consultation', which moves from 'information dispersal' to 'co-creation'.

What many people think when they are being consulted on something is that their opinion has a potential to affect the end result.

Unfortunately, that is not always the intention behind 'consultation' activities. Sometimes it is done just to inform people of what is going to happen. Sometimes it is done to gauge the level of dissent so the consulting party can mitigate consequences when they do the thing they were already planning on doing. And, from my experience, very rarely is it to actually get ideas before the end decision is made on what should happen.

What this creates is a feeling of 'bait and switch' within those who are being 'consulted'. However, this could be fixed through clear communication, and most importantly, setting your intention as a leader BEFORE you 'consult'. If the organisation has to go some direction, and that will happen - then make sure you communicate this. The damage of not telling the truth on this will be far greater than the discomfort around how to communicate bad new truthfully.

If you want to gain skills in how to engage with people over difficult topics - contact me! I can help you to take a path of insight so that you create and thrive in your life.


Good bureaucrat v Good public servant


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