Connecting: a technique for leaders…

It was a crisp early autumn day, and the view from the public entrance to Parliament House was bathed in warm light and cool shadow.

As my eyes followed the shadows of the marble columns, they were let to the red gravelled surface (so representative of this Great Nation of Australia) to that wondrous liminal space of light that represents the boundary between the grounding of the earth and the free expanse of the sky.

The designers of “New Parliament House” wanted to enable those that come here, whether it be to visit or to work, to be able to see the historic “Old Parliament House” in the distance. Never forgetting where we’ve come from. They also wanted the humbling view of Anzac Parade (the wide road bordered by memorials to those who served in each of the conflicts Australia’s sent troops to, and of course to be able to see the constant reminder of the War Memorial at the foot of Mt Ainsley. For a poet like myself, the symbolism of this intentional design speaks volumes. It is a strong reminder to those who make decisions that will affect others, to constantly know and connect with the impacts of those decision. To humble yourself to sacrifice that those that will have to carry out and feel the impact of the decisions.

One of the trick’s I’ve found is that my perspective benefits from connection. Connecting with the present moment always seems to help me regain a sense of empowerment, of possibility. While in the calm of one of the many gardens within the grounds of Parliament House this morning, I could hear bird song. I could see the workers of Parliament House, (Advisors, Cleaners, Security, Ministers, Public Servants), going about their morning. Some stopped in the garden for a moment, but most were moving from one place to another, each contributing to the work that gets done in this great place.

If you are a Leader, regardless of your context, and you are looking at how you can find a way to be more ‘present’ in your life… if you are looking at how you want to use your life, and your work, to help others thrive, then please, reach out today!

This is true to leaders across contexts. Be it a leader in the Government of the Day, or Opposition, Independent Parties, or Public Service. It is also true to leaders within Community, and Parents within Family.

Our responsibility as leaders is really our responsibility as Servants. We serve those that we lead. We are granted the responsibility to steward the space we are in for the benefit of others (not our own benefit). And this is, in my mind, a sacred responsibility.

Our decisions matter. They impact others.

Recognising this, and the fact that so often we are in our roles not by our own merit, but because we’ve benefited from those that have come before us is a useful recognition to enable good service, and good leadership.

As an active parent of four children, I’m passionate about both making the world better for them to inherit, as well as helping them discover who they are and how they can build the skills to be successful in this world. Like the Leaders I work with, this is a full time role and a part of my identity!

While the friend I was talking with, did have a few phone calls to take across our conversation, we both made note of the importance of connection. To our colleagues, to our stakeholders, to our family, partners and children, and, to the moment we are in.

I was given a great deal of comfort from our discussion.

Like me, my friend sees his work as a privilege, as a responsibility, as an opportunity to make the world better. Neither of us are naive. We both recognise the moment we are in, and appreciate the beauty of it, the realty of it, and the impermanence of it. And we both strive to do better.


the pace of life…


Knowing the cost…