
Courageous Conversations and Insights on Whistleblowing

We admire courage, and those that do what is right, in the face of fear, speaking Truth to Power.

J.F.K. writes about this in his book Profiles of Courage, wherein he quotes famed early American adventurer and Statesman, Daniel Boone, who said 'Necessity compels me to speak true rather than pleasing things... I should indeed like to please you, but I prefer to save you, whatever be your attitude toward me. (1955:63)'

In this interview - I talk with someone I admire, Mary Inman who has worked for almost 30 years defending whistleblowers. She has seen some remarkably courageous individuals who, trying to do what is right, have faced untold hardship.

Please listen. Subscribe. Like. Follow me and put into practice the insights that arise for you!

With kindnes,



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Insights on Conflict